Math Club » Math Club

Math Club

Moderator: Mr. Eric Crespo

Math Club Mission Statement

The mission of the Math Club is to enrich students of all course levels to reach their fullest potential in understanding the material at hand. In achieving this through a system of one-on-one tutoring or sometimes one tutor per pair or group, students are being taught at whatever pace needed in order to fully grasp information to the best of their ability.

Club Council

Alan Alanis - President  

Jorge Ochoa -Vice President

Anthony Navarro - Team Leader Director

Johnny Martinez - CFO

Bryan Garcia  - Director of Operations  

Steve Rodriguez  - Director of Operations  


Math Club Salesian Constitution


Article I

Name: Salesian Math Club

Article II

Mission Statement:

Section 1: The mission of the Math Club is to enrich students of all course levels to reach their fullest potential in understanding the material at hand. In achieving this through a system of one-on-one tutoring or sometimes one tutor per pair or group, students are being taught at whatever pace needed in order to fully grasp information to the best of their ability. It is more than just a Math Club; this program will help students reach their ability to teach, learn and focus— key aspects in giving them a standard of self discipline that goes a long way not only in school, but in life.

Article III

Membership (Tutors):

Section 1: Tutors must have a 3.0 GPA and maintain a respectful demeanor and attitude when helping other students. In order to be considered as a candidate for math club, an application must be filled out and submitted by a specified due date. Application process is not too difficult. Patience and staying on time and on task is imperative. Any form of misconduct will not be tolerated.

Article IV

Membership (Tutee):

Section 1: Tutees must be in contact with a tutor, Operations Director or Mr. Crespo, regarding their attendance and tutor scheduling. Tutoring is a commitment on both ends, which includes the person's effort and attitude.

Article V

SAT Prep Sessions:

Section 1: SAT Prep sessions are divided into small groups consisting of sophomores and juniors. Information regarding the SAT test will be covered throughout these sessions, and will be monitored by either Mr. Crespo or a math club leader. These sessions will meet once a week. This is not mandatory for Math Club members to participate in, but is highly encouraged.

Article VI


Section 1: Math Club Meetings take place usually during break, lunch, or after school. Everybody is expected to be in attendance and on time. Meetings are monitored by the club president, and cover information regarding the agenda of a specific time frame. Fundraisers, tutoring schedules, and recruitment will all be discussed during these meetings. If a member is busy with school related activities that conflict with meeting times, he must notify Mr. Crespo or a math club leader promptly.

Article VII

Removal from Math Club (Tutor)

Section 1: Any form of cheating or plagiarism will not be tolerated. Disrespectful manners and misconduct towards anyone within the premises of the Math Club will also result in immediate removal from the club. Lack of preparation, attendance, and effort will also be considered for dismissal.

Article VIII

Removal from Math Club (Tutee)

Section 1: Any form of cheating or plagiarism will not be tolerated. Disrespectful manners and misconduct towards anyone within the premises of the Math Club will also result in immediate removal from the club. Poor work ethic, lack of attendance and/or effort will also be considered for dismissal.

Math Club By-Laws

Article I

Duties of Tutors:

Section 1: Tutors are expected to be respectful at all times, and to be cognizant of their tutee in terms of their level of understanding math. Tutors are also expected to be familiar with material and ask questions if absolutely necessary. Must be able to give tutee a better understanding of their math materials.

Article II

Duties of Tutee:

Section 1: Tutee must mirror the demeanor and level of respect being given by tutor. Respect and staying on time is always expected, as is 100% effort to grasp information at hand. Time should be maximized to fullest potential, as it should be recognized that it is of great importance.

Article III

Leadership Roles:

Section 1: Positions in the Math Club are selected by monitor Mr. Crespo. The President runs meetings and is the lead representative of the Math Club. The Vice President holds members accountable by monitoring tutor sessions and is also a tutor. Lead Tutor/Recruitment is the top tutor and also in charge of recruiting tutees and tutors. Operations Director sets up tutoring schedules and works closely with president in operations aspect and also tutors. CFO handles fundraising department and also tutors.